Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Here is how it works. You sign up and complete any number of offers (they have hundreds, ranging from surveys to free trials and credit cards). Then, you "cash out" your balance and get paid by your preferred method. They offer Paypal payment. :-)

I signed up for this today and put about 2 hours of work into it. I got my balance up to $30.50 then "cashed out" (you have to reach a balance of at least $25.00). They said I would get my payment by November 20th. I'm very interested to see if I will actually get money from this.

I created a gmail account to use for FusionCash because with all the offers you sign up for there is bound to be tons of spam that comes along with it. I only signed up for offers under the "No Credit Card Needed" category.

I will post after November 20th on the status of my payment. Wish me luck! And here is the link if you want to give it a try yourself.


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