Monday, September 10, 2007

Customer Service Jobs At Home

Below is a listing of companies that offer real work at home jobs. I have not worked for any of these companies, so I cannot recommend them personally. Please read the FAQs for each company before making any commitments. Please Note: Legitimate employers will NOT ask you for money. Do not accept any jobs that require cashing checks, accepting payments or transferring money from your bank account to another bank account.

Alpine Access (FAQ)
-Employee of the company.

West at Home (FAQ)
-Employee of the company.

Working Solutions (FAQ)
-Independent contractor.

LiveOps (FAQ)
-Independent contractor.
-Charges fee for background check, but it is legit.

Voice Log (No FAQ found.)
- Independent contractor.

American Institute of Foreign Study (FAQ)
- Employee of the company.

eCallogy (FAQ)
- Independent contractor.

Grindstone (No FAQ found.)
-Employee of the company.

(No FAQ found.)
- Independent contractor.

(FAQ on same page.)
- Independent contractor.

Accolade Support (FAQ on same page.)
- Independent contractor.

ACD Direct (Enter email address for more info.)
- Waiting for email from company on employment status.

Arise (FAQ)
- Independent contractor.

Beyond Marketing (No FAQ found.)
- Independent contractor.

BRG Research Services (Follow arrows at bottom of page for FAQ.)
-Employee of the company.

Customer Loyalty Concepts (FAQ on same page.)
- Independent contractor.

Greene Teleservices (No FAQ found.)
- Waiting for email from company on employment status.

MicahTek, Inc. (FAQ)
- Independent contractor. Oklahoma residents only.

Niteo Services (FAQ)
- Independent contractor.

NTI Central (FAQ)
- Employee of the company. For Americans with disabilities.

O'Currance Teleservices (No FAQ found.)
- Employee of the company. Utah residents only.

Secure Call Management, Inc.
- Independent contractor.

Service 800 (No FAQ found.)
- Waiting for email from company on employment status.

Ansafone Communications (No FAQ found.)
- This company is only accepting resumes. They have not started at home business yet.

updated 10/16/2007
More information will be added as I find it in my research.

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Unknown said...

Hi there! this is such an informative post. Thank you for sharing. Cheers!

- The customer service jobs beverly

Unknown said...

Hi there! this is such an informative post. Thank you for sharing. Cheers!

- The customer service jobs beverly